Free Film Stock

What we ask from you?

All you need to do is fill out this form and support us on AmazonSmile. Once those tasks is completed you will be added to our “participant waiting list.”

When we receive film stock from Kodak, Inc., you be in the drawing to receive a free roll/cartridge of film stock.

If you don’t feel like waiting, we do sell stock in the shop, which helps directly fund this program.

How do I know I won a drawing for free film?

Great question! The FCA will contact you via the email you provide in the field below. We will verify a valid shipping address, and that is it.

We are trying to keep this process as simple as possible.

How can I help keep this program going?

Fill out the form for starters. Then if you win a drawing for a roll/cartridge of film, photograph it. It would great if you process & scan it with our vendors.

Lastly give us shout out, hashtag, or thank you in your project. That always helps spread the word. And we REALLY appreciate that. Did i mention you could donate to the organization as well.

Joe Irvin was our most recent recipiant of free film!

Don’t forget to make donations with AmazonSmile to our organization today. Just click the link below to get set up. It helps us tremendously.

The Film Club of America (FCA) has implemented this program to assist filmmakers in obtaining free film stock at reduced and/or affordable pricing. We do this in an effort to support the analog film making community.

Again these programs are supported by our donations, and the income we generate in our shop.